Years of going below deck as a yacht chef have taught me a thing or six about packing. I've arrived on islands that only exist on a mariner's chart with just a light backpack and a smile. Actually, it was the frustration with trying to find a working apron that could also be a chic dress AND could wash out beautifully in a bathroom sink that lead me to design my first piece, the Cuisine Apron Dress.
I still cook a few times a year for a certain yachtsman and his yacht racing team. Pictured is what I packed recently (underwear not accounted for) for the 2 weeks aboard. And, here are six of my pro packing tips!
1. Pick a two color scheme and stick to it! It could be anything, but navy and white never misses. Two colors allow for mixing and matching that will keep your look new and fresh. One color and you are wearing a uniform.
2. From pajamas to socks, pack light breathable all natural clothing (no polyester...ever). Linen and cotton are the best -easy to wash and can hang dry. For warmth you can layer.
3. Wear something comfortable and chic on the plane/train/ferry (that going out to dinner dress or cute linen suit). It's usually the bulkiest thing you will have and better to wear than to pack.
4. Find the perfect white, black or navy tees and always pack two of them. I love ReDone Heritage Cotton Classic Tees because they have a shorter crop and look great with a pair of Kitchen Pants and a cute jacket (I see you Billy Reid)
5. Pick your accessories wisely. A large chic scarf can keep you warm, tie into a makeshift top, cover you in a holy place and keep your hair looking somewhat presentable. Pack only one pair of sunglasses...never two. Pick a pair you love, but won't be mad about losing because invariably you WILL lose them. My current favorite are the Matte Black After Hours from Quay.
6. Think you might take a cooking class or pottery class or just hit the farmer's market where you are headed? Don't forget a dress that will take you from Kitchen to Street. I never leave home with out my Cuisine Apron Dress. In Sardinia, a fetching man stopped me at the wine store to tell me how much he loved my "look". I was wearing the Atelier Apron Dress and a wedding ring. Now that's A+ packing.
By Libbie Summers